Monday, March 16, 2009

The Park

We bribed the kids on Saturday and told them we could go to the park if they did all their chores and helped around the house. We saw some friends while we were there and Deryk had a fun time with their little car. He pushed Benson around in it for a while. The other picture is so funny because it shows a typical moment in our family. Deryk loves to pull Maycee's hair for some reason. Maybe its because she likes to stick her face right up close to his and bother him?


  1. Aawww! I just saw that you posted again. I am so sorry that I haven't written back to your email yet. Life has been SO crazy lately besides all of the sickness that is looming around here. Anyway, I will try and find your email and write back. It sounds like things are going good with you guys though, so that is great. Have a good one!!!

  2. So cute Melanie, I love your family picture. Hey I sent you an invite but I thought it was to gmail so if it is not let me know, we are suppost to come VT this week, so hopefully I will call you soon and get a time set up.
