Sunday, January 31, 2010

Shaylee is 9!

I am a little late posting Shaylee's birthday. She had a fun week and is definitely acting like a 9-year-old. Actually, it could be a 12-year-old because of the attitude issues. I'm not sure I am ready for it all. :) We had a fun family party on her birthday and then she had a friend party on Friday. It was a pajama party with games, nail painting, a movie, and treats. Eight silly girls running around for 2 1/2 hours. They are cute! I'm not too sure Shaylee was happy about her cupcakes at her friend party. They ate pizza and then I said, "Oh, I forgot the rest of your dinner." Then I brought out the spaghetti cupcakes. They all looked at me like I was insane (which I could have been at that moment) and then they giggled a few minutes later. It was great! Shaylee is an amazing girl and we are so blessed to have her in our family!!


  1. Happy birthday Shay! (a month later) beautiful cupcakes mel!

  2. Love the spaghetti cupcakes, you are so funny!!

  3. I also love the cupcakes. Can you believe these kids are 9 already?
